On Friday June 23rd a group of boarding students, together with our boarding team, went to the balloon festival in Hardenberg. Over 30 balloons took to the sky that evening and we enjoyed the nice weather and seeing the balloons taking to the skies and disappearing in the distance. We had an ice cream and sat down on a terras to have something to drink and eat nachos. When it got dark we walked to the river to watch the fireworks display. It was a nice and relaxed evening and a good way to start the last weekend in boarding before the Summer break!
END OF YEAR Upper Primary
Another year has passed . It’s time to say goodbye from another school year. We are grateful that we had many fun days, we collected memories, we grew, we learned, we discovered new things, we shared our knowledge, we shared jokes, we shared many beautiful moments. They say, you should only look back, to see how far you have come – so that’s what we do : we look back and we see how far we have come and that warms our heart. Thankful for another beautiful year and that we inspired each other. Wishing to all of you a wonderful and well deserved summer holiday.