Pre-IB Year

The one-year pre-IB programme at Eerde International Boarding School prepares students for entry to the challenging and rigorous International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). This renowned international qualification opens doors to the best universities in the world.

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Pre-IB year at Eerde

The pre- IB programme focuses on improving students’ skills in all aspects needed for the IBDP or IBCP. For some students this can be improving English language skills, where other students may find the opportunity to improve their skills in maths or sciences. We will set up individual learning paths for this year with every student after the admission to our school.

The programme also exposed students to inquiry based learning, practical research methods and to the benefits of service learning and international mindedness.

Who Benefits from the Programme?

The programme is open to students who have completed high school Grade 9 or equivalent, and who are at least 15 years old during the academic year.

This one-year programme is particularly well suited for students who wish to study at IBDP or IBCP level, but whose English language skills are not yet sufficient to ensure success.

And for students that wish to start at Eerde IBS in grade 10, without prior knowledge to the IGCSE.

The Pre-IB programme at Eerde is designed to:

  • Strengthen students’ English reading and communication skills to a level that gives access to the IBCP / IBDP
  • Reinforce concepts and skills from core subject such as Mathematics, Sciences, but also Art, Music, and Physical Education in preparation for the rigours of IBCP / IBDP
  • Introduce students to IB subjects, the styles of learning, including inquiry based, collaborative, and practical methods
  • Learning Enrichment Centre
  • Increase students’ understanding of the benefits of service learning
  • Increase students’ international mindedness

What makes an IB student unique?

The question was asked by the IBDP organization on its 50th anniversary back in 2006. The answer is just as relevant today: ‘The IB learner profile encourages students to become inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective.’

Prepare for university education

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP or IBCP) prepares students for university education in a country of their choice. Our university counsellor provides additional support and assistance in the applications process if you need it and encourages you to explore your university options either online or by visiting open days and academic recruitment fairs.

Pre-IB Tuition Fees

Interested in our Pre-IB programme? Have a look at the tuition fees in 2022.

Contact Eerde

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